05 February 2010

Migration to Wordpress

We have now migrated our blog to Wordpress. You can visit us at TwoHandsPaperie.wordpress.com.

From Digital to Analog- Returning to Letter Writing

Nearly every day someone visits our store with the intention of slowing down their progress in the digital world.  Today a customer purchased a Filofax organiser to replace her PDA. It seemed that the PDA just no longer felt right.  I have also recently helped a few customers purchase letter writing materials- paper, envelopes, pens, and even wax seals and sealing wax. Their intentions were to do away with email, and write letters again. 

Because of these interactions, I recently decided that I needed to write a letter myself.  I gave it quite a bit of thought- I asked myself "Who do I know that would really enjoy receiving a letter?" When I finally hit upon the person, I sat down immediately and began writing.  I have to say that the tactile experience of writing, of addressing an envelope, and sending it off was something I had forgotten about. Not to mention the challenge of not being able to cut and paste, and the fact that I had no spell check! I plan to write another letter soon, once I realise who the next recipient is. 

01 February 2010

Window Dressing- Valentines Day

Valentines day is just around the corner- our paper stars came down yesterday and were replaced by a paper heart. The heart shape is made of the pages and covers from romance novels, twine, and wax.  Waxed paper flowers from the leftover pages are in the process of being made. We will post photos of the flowers as soon as they are in the store. Maria Fuoco-Lawson did the installation. She is currently in her last semester in the Fine Arts department at the University of Colorado.